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Temporary Concrete Barrier Condition

State UT
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Has there been additional research conducted for the condition of temporary barrier since 2016 that could be used to update the answers to the question listed within this link?

Specifically, is there guidance on spall dimensions that should be allowed to remain in place and what should be removed?  

Regarding acceptable spalls: Some DOT's have a 4" width dimension and a 2" depth dimension listed in their quality guidelines, but we cannot find the reference for this information.  



Portable Barriers

Precast Barriers

Date December 7, 2021
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We provided some addtioanl guidance through the link below on some state standards and guidance that was collected. 

In addition, I have tracked down some more recent guidacne from Montana as well as a research effort at TTI. I have attached details of both.

I beleive that the TTI presentation provides spall guidance. 


Date December 13, 2021
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Attachment final_report.pdf Attachment TRBWS07.trb.org_FileUploads_2021 AM Presentations_Presentations_Presentation_BKP21-0002_TRBAM-21-03356.pdf