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Crash Testing and Evaluation of an Open Bridge Concrete Railing




Bob Bielenberg, Scott Rosenbaugh, Ronald Faller, Jennifer Rasmussen (Schmidt), Jacob DeLone




This report documents three full-scale vehicle crash tests that were conducted to investigate the safety performance of an open concrete bridge rail according to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware 2016 (MASH 2016) Test Level 4 (TL-4) evaluation criteria. The barrier system test installation consisted of a 39-in. tall by 132-ft long open concrete bridge rail supported by 15 concrete posts. The interior posts were 36 in. long by 10 in. wide and 72-in. long by 10-in. wide posts were utilized at the upstream end section. All posts were 12 in. tall and were spaced at 108 in. on center. Test nos. OCBR-1, OCBR-2, and OCBR-3 were conducted according to test designation nos. 4-10, 4-11, and 4-12, respectively. In test no. OCBR-1, an 1100C small car impacted the barrier at speed of 64.2 mph and an angle of 25.2 degrees. In test no OCBR-2, a 2270P pickup truck impacted the barrier at a speed of 61.8 mph and an angle of 24.7 degrees. In test no. OCBR-3, a 10000S single-unit truck impacted the barrier at a speed of 56.6 mph and an angle of 15.2 degrees. In all tests, the bridge rail successfully contained and redirected the vehicles. Tests nos. OCBR-1, OCBR-2, and OCBR-3 successfully met the TL-4 safety performance criteria defined in MASH 2016.


Highway Safety, Crash Test, Roadside Appurtenances, Compliance Test, MASH 2016, Test Level 4, Bridge Rail, Open Concrete Rail

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