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Investigation and Development of a MASH Test Level 6 Barrier - Phase III




Jennifer Rasmussen (Schmidt), Ronald Faller, Joshua Steelman, Elisa Vasquez




The objective of this research project was to replicate the dynamic behavior of a truck-tank trailer combination vehicle using representative dimensions, properties, and inertias of the trailer/fluid ballast combination. A literature review was completed describing techniques for modeling fluids and fluid-container interactions using finite element analysis. Various fluid modeling techniques were identified, and parameters associated with those models were archived. Next, researchers utilized the tank geometry of the elliptical straight-frame 5949 trailer produced by LBT Inc. to generate a finite element mesh using finite element analysis preprocessors HyperMesh and LS PrePost. Material properties were taken from reference guides, research papers, and specifications from LBT, a tank trailer manufacturer. Component constraints were added to the model to mimic fasteners such as bolts and nuts. Contacts were also added to allow the tank to impact external features, as well as to allow tank components to interact with each other during dynamic events. Different techniques were employed to generate fluid meshes to reside within the interior tank structure. Next, preliminary properties for the fluids were generated using reference materials from published papers. Finally, fluid components were implemented into the tank-trailer model. The recommended barrier height to contain a tractor-tank vehicle was determined to be 60 in. for a rigid, vertical-faced barrier by a barrier height analysis done through LS-DYNA computer simulation. Recommendations for how to improve the tank-trailer model were also presented.

This is the End of Year 3 project report. The End of Year 1, 2, and 4 reports can be found under the following report numbers:

TRP-03-404-18 - End of Year 1

TRP-03-430-20 - End of Year 2

TRP-03-463-23 - End of Year 4 - contains full-scale crash test no. MTL6-1



Highway Safety, Roadside Appurtenances, TL-6, Tractor-Trailer, Computer Simulation, MASH 2016

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