MASH Evaluation of the Steel-Post, Trailing-End Anchorage System
Karla Lechtenberg (Polivka), Mojdeh Asadollahipajouh, Ronald Faller, Jessica Lingenfelter, Preston Noll, Jim Holloway
A research study was conducted to develop and evaluate a steel-post, trailing-end, anchorage system for the Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) as an alternative to the existing wood-post, trailing-end anchorage system with BCT posts. Following the design and development of the steel-post, trailing-end anchorage system for the MGS, two full-scale crash tests, test nos. SPTA-1 and SPTA-2, were performed according to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, Second Edition (MASH 2016) test designation nos. 3-37a and 3-37b, respectively. The steel-post, trailing-end anchorage system included the following components: two breakaway steel posts, two steel foundation tubes, a steel compression ground line strut, one steel anchor cable, and a T-shaped, breaker bar attached to the end anchor post. In test no. SPTA-1, the 5,074-lb (2,302-kg) pickup truck impacted the MGS at a speed of 62.1 mph (99.9 km/h) and an angle of 25.0 degrees and was captured and redirected. The vehicle remained upright and stable throughout the test, and all vehicle decelerations and occupant compartment deformations were within the allowable MASH 2016 limits. In test no. SPTA-2, the 2,429-lb (1,102-kg) small car impacted the system at a speed of 63.3 mph (101.9 km/h) and an angle of 25.2 degrees near the anchorage system. The vehicle gated through the system but remained upright and stable throughout the test, and all vehicle decelerations and occupant compartment deformations were within the allowable MASH 2016 limits. The MGS with the steel-post, trailing-end anchorage system performed adequately. Therefore, test nos. SPTA-1 and SPTA-2 were determined to satisfy the safety performance criteria for MASH 2016 test designation nos. 3-37a and 3-37b, respectively. Recommendations were provided for the installation of steel-post, trailing-end anchorage system when used in combination with the MGS.
Highway Safety, Crash Test, Roadside Appurtenances, Compliance Test, MASH 2016, Trailing-End Anchorage System, Guardrail, Midwest Guardrail System (MGS), Guardrail End Terminal, and Trailing-End Terminal
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