Modification and MASH 2016 TL-3 Evaluation of the Asphalt Pin Tie-Down for F-Shape PCB
The objective of this research was to develop and evaluate potential design modifications for the F-shaped portable concrete barrier (PCB) with a steel pin tie-down anchorage system for asphalt surfaces. Previous full-scale crash testing of the original asphalt pin tie-down anchorage according to Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware 2016 (MASH 2016) Test Level 3 (TL-3) test designation no. 3-11 criteria resulted in a failure due to wheel snag on the barrier joint that led to excess occupant compartment deformation. Potential design modifications were developed to mitigate wheel snag, and a preferred modifications was selected for full-scale crash testing. The modified barrier system was full-scale crash tested and evaluated the MASH 2016 TL-3 test designation no. 3-11 criteria. Test no. WITD-3 consisted of sixteen F-shape PCB segments installed with a pinned, tie-down configuration placed on a 2-in. (51-mm) thick asphalt pad. The rear toe of the PCBs was installed 18 in. (457 mm) from the edge of a 36-in. wide x 36-in. deep (914-mm x 914-mm) trench. Barrier nos. 5 through 13 were anchored on the traffic side of the system with three 1½-in. (38-mm) diameter x 38½-in. (978-mm) long steel pins placed through the bolt anchor pockets on each barrier segment and driven through the asphalt and into the underlying soil. A 5,011-lb (2,273-kg) quad cab pickup truck impacted the anchored PCB system at a speed of 61.9 mph (99.6 km/h) and at an angle of 25.1 degrees. During test no. WITD-3 the wheel well and toe pan were deformed a maximum of 10.4 in. (264 mm), which surpassed the MASH 2016 deformation limits. Due to the deformation, test no. WITD-3 was deemed unacceptable under the MASH 2016 TL-3 test designation no. 3-11 safety criteria.
Highway Safety, Crash Test, Roadside Appurtenances, Compliance Test, MASH 2016, Test Level 3, Portable Concrete Barrier, Temporary Concrete Barrier, Pinned Barrier, Concrete Foundation, Asphalt Foundation
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