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Beam Guard Question

State WI
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I have to beam guard questions.


1. What is the deflection distance for a standard beam guard system using 7'

long steel post spaced at 3' 1.5" on a 2:1 slope that starts at the middle of the steel post?


2. I've been trying to find the crash test report from TTI that used an asphalt curb near beam guard. Unfortunately, I and our library staff are having a hard time finding a copy of this report. Does MwRSF have a copy?

Could MwRSF provide me with a PDF detail of the curb and gutter and its'

installation near the beam guard?


 I believe the report was titled: "NCHRP 350 Test 3-11 on the G4 (2W) Strong Post Beam Guard with 100mm High Asphalt Curb" done by Bullard and Menges. 


W-beam Guardrails

Systems Adjacent to Slope


Date April 15, 2008
Previous Views (127) Favorites (0)

Within the report/paper, I have found that the dynamic deflection of the barrier system on a 2:1 slope was found to be 821 mm (32.3). I do not have a working width value at this time.


I do not have a pdf copy of the TTI report. I know we have a copy of the report in our library somewhere. I will look for it and find the number you are seeking.

Date April 16, 2008
Previous Views (127) Favorites (0)