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MGS Curb Offset Clarification

State WI
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The crash test drawings for MGS with curb indicate that the face of rail should be 1 inch behind the back of curb (see attached).  In some municipalities in our state like to use curb with a wider head. When wider curb heads are being used, is the 1" off of back of curb important or would it be better to have the face of rail 5" from the front face of the curb head?  (See attached Curb Detail.jpg)

W-beam Guardrails

Midwest Guardrail Systems (MGS)


Date January 12, 2011
Previous Views (88) Favorites (0)
Attachment Curb Detail.jpg

The offset for the curb installation was set such that the front face of the guardrail was offset 6" from the vertical center of the curb.

The CAD in the report is confusing and is only valid for a curb setup with the width we used. The offset should be controlled by the center of the vertical face of the curb and the face of the guardrail.

Date January 12, 2011
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