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Retro-fitting a Single Slope Concrete Barrier

State WI
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An existing project has had to remove a section of single slope concrete barrier to work on a structure. The existing single slope barrier was cut in the middle of the run.  Now the existing single slope barrier has a free end.  The region is asking what should they do when the match a new single slope barrier into the old single slope barrier.


As I see it we have two options:

1.         Let the existing single slope barrier have a free end and place the new single slope concrete barrier per standard specifications.

2.         Drill into the existing single slope barrier.  Place reinforcement steel to transfer impact forces into the new single slope barrier.



Our Standard Detail Drawings are located at:



I'm concerned about transferring impact energy from the old barrier to the new.  But I am not sure that we can easily drill into the existing barrier to place reinforcement.


Could MwRSF provide a recommendation on which way to proceed?  If installing reinforcement is the desirable option, could MwRSF provide a design?

Permanent Concrete Barriers

Date April 29, 2011
Previous Views (19) Favorites (0)

I would use dowels to connect the two sections.  The dowel bars should be the same size and at similar locations as the existing longitudinal steel.  Further, the dowels should be embedded into each end (old and new) far enough to develop the full load of the bar (splice/development length of bar or specified by the epoxy used to secure dowels in old barrier section.).

Date April 29, 2011
Previous Views (19) Favorites (0)