Is there a cable terminal anchor configuration or detail that has been suggested in the past. To the best of my knowledge there is not a tested Thrie Beam Cable Terminal Anchor but it looks like there may be something similar used in the Bull Nose testing. Or would you just suggestion transiting to an MGS w-beam system then placing a MGS w-beam cable terminal anchor. Thank you
There is not currenntly a dedicated thrie beam end terminal available. However, there are some options for trailing end anchorages.
1. For 31" tall thrie beam (which has yet to meet MASH TL-3), an end terminal similar to the standard trailing end terminal for the MGS could be used. This uses two BCT posts in foundation tubes connected by a groundline strut. The anchor cable would then attach to the upper thrie beam corrugation. This would put the cable anchor at the same height and angle as the MGS trailing end terminal and the anchor should perform similarly. Note that I would recommend only using the upper post to rail bolt for the thrie beam on the two end posts.
2. If one wanted to apply the 31" tall steel post trailing end anchorage, you would implement it similar to the first option. However, we may need to look at the breaker bar that disengages post 1 for that system and make sure it is still effective with thrie beam installed.
3. Transitioning from W-beam to thrie beam would be another option. This would likely be required if you are anchoring modified thrie beam or other thrie beam that is 34" tall so that we do not create an increased angle for the cable anchor that reduces the anchors effectiveness. We have guidance for that type of transition in the report linked here.
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