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Attachment of Temporary Concrete Barrier to Bridge Rails

State NE
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What are the latest approved methods of attaching concrete protection barrier to Bridge rail?

Bridge Rails
Portable Barriers

Date February 2, 2011
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MwRSF developed roadside and median transitions between free-standing F-shape TCB and rigid barrier. Both systems utilized a series of pinned TCBs with varied pin quantities over four segments and in combination with thrie beam guardrail. The median version also had a special steel sloped transition cap to fit between 32 and 42 in. barrier. Both designs have been reported, and Bob has submitted requests for seeking FHWA acceptance. I am not aware of any other systems which transition TCBs to concrete bridge rail. In the past, we have offered recommendations for running TCBs past the bridge rail, including length and lateral offset.

Date February 2, 2011
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